Audible Stories: Free Audiobook

In order to address students’ need to read English books, Audible, a company under Amazon, is now offering free audiobooks about children’s books and classics for those who cannot borrow books due to the closure of schools and public libraries. Neither registration nor fee is required. Don’t miss the chance!

Through listening to different audiobooks, you can develop a good habit of learning English. You can also complete your reading record in Joy of Reading. A new book report template will be provided in the Google Classroom (Code: qxsvzun). To present your work, you can either complete a written or an oral book report.

為了照顧學生閱讀英文書的需要,亞馬遜旗下的有聲讀物公司Audible 現將會開放有聲讀物平台給學生免費使用。是次開放的有聲圖書為兒童書籍和經典名著。這個平台有助解決同學因停課和圖書館關閉而借不到圖書的問題。同學不須登記或付款便可享用服務。此次機會難逢,同學勿失良機!

透過聆聽有聲書籍,同學可以建立良好學習英文的習慣。同學亦可在聆聽英文書籍後完成「悦在唐中」的讀書報告。圖書館亦會在Google Classroom (Code: qxsvzun) 提供一份英文閱讀報告。同學可以用文字或口頭的形式展示閱讀成果。
