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Rules 1. No food and drinks is allowed. 2. You must present your student card when borrowing books. 3. You can borrow 3 items at maximum and you must return the borrowed items in 14 days. 4. In case of returning late, the fine would be $1 per day per item. 5. ...
Welcome, student librarian! Please remember to be on time for your duties. Your presence is appreciated. ...
Search Engine 1. Google 2. Yahoo Library Catalogue 1. Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College Library 2. Hong Kong Public Libraries 3. Hong Kong Public Libraries: Electronic Resources 4. Hong Kong Reading City ...
b.TNKJSC provides a variety of online library services such as library catalogue, good book recommendation, current reserve, loan history and current fine etc. ...
LinkUser Guide.pdf
“JoyReadClub” ebook「金閱閣」電子書 This is a collection of locally published Chinese e-books, featuring popular authors and their works.  It covers a comprehensive range of subjects, including literature and fiction, investment and wealth management, finance and economics, psychology and ...
LinkUser Guide.pdf
OverDrive eBooks OverDrive提供近5,000冊英文電子書,包括消閒讀物、兒童及青少年圖書、小說和傳記,涵蓋不同範疇。香港公共圖書館的登記讀者可於網上閱讀或下載到流動裝置或個人電腦。 詳情請參閱使用指南及OverDrive Support (只有英文版本): 使用指南   https://help.overdrive.com/customer/en/portal/articles 借閱規則: 可借閱數量 借閱期限* 續借** 續借日數 續借次數 可預約數量 4冊 7...
In order to address students’ need to read English books, Audible, a company under Amazon, is now offering free audiobooks about children’s books and classics for those who cannot borrow books due to the closure of schools and public libraries. Neither registration nor fee is required. D...
A user guide for library users to learn how to use the new school library app. Please feel free to contact the library staffs if you have any questions. ...